After update unity from version 5.1 to version 5.3, FIRST startup on android is very slow… i see black screen 12s. It is only at first time or when i clear cache using android settings → apps → my app → clear cache.
I had a similar problem. For my case, a GameObject on the scene had a lot of public variables for Materials. Each of the variables was assigned a Material object (they have their own custom shaders) by drag-dropping on the Inspector.
This situation caused the app create /sdcard/Android/data/( folder on the device and expand the shaders from the Materials there at the first start-up. This process spent much time.
I removed the public variables for Materials and made them load lazily by using Resources.Load(“material path in the resources”) at runtime. This resolved my problem.
This problem is for EMPTY project (new project)… no camera effect, no shaders, no gameobjects.
However …
I recently had a case that the slowdown was caused by a large MP3 file with loading mode “Decompress on load”… solution: set to “streaming”