very small rigidbodies with box colliders

I have these domino prefabs that when they come to rest they are penetrating one another which doesn’t look correct.

They are very small (import mesh scale factor 0.0005 **)
Rigidbody (mass 0.01, drag 0)
Box shaped mesh
Box collider same dimensions as mesh
dominoes sitting on top of a rigidbody tabletop

No kinematics, no triggers, just trying to grok the scale and mass of things in the physics engine.Is the box collider supposed to be much bigger than the actual mesh?
** I read that the GameObject > other > cube is about 1 meter, so I tweaked my mesh scale factor until it looked about the right size in the Scene view

thanks in advance

Never mind I think I’ve got it- something very fundamental: when you scale an object , or adjust it’s mesh scaling factor, you need to delete re-add the box collider, because it’s the collider’s size does not automatically update!

unity is awesome :wink:

In addition :
Edit > Project settings > Physics > Min penetration for penalty
If this is set too large, small objects will penetrate other rigidbodies.
Unity makes sense it works great. The docs are fantastic.