Very strange gui texture hittest


in my car game i use four gui textures to control the car. two for steering on the left and two for driving on the right. in the following script i use four hittests to check if the gui textures are touched. the strange thing is when i hold one of the driving textures i be able to steer the car without to touch over the steering textures. when i tap above the steering textures but in the same x position like the steering textures the hittest of this texture goes true.

i have this also tested with rect.Contains(touch.position) instead of HitTest. same thing.

its like a mirror of the textures. i test this all on my htc desire.

has someone an idea?

static var touchhorizontal : float = 0;
static var touchvertical : float = 0;

//var leftgui : GUITexture;
//var rightgui : GUITexture;
//var downgui : GUITexture;
//var upgui : GUITexture;

static var leftgui;
leftgui = GameObject.Find("touchbuttonleft").guiTexture;

var rightgui;
rightgui = GameObject.Find("touchbuttonright").guiTexture;

var downgui;
downgui = GameObject.Find("touchbuttondown").guiTexture;

var upgui;
upgui = GameObject.Find("touchbuttonup").guiTexture;

static var touch : Touch;

function Update () {
	var count = Input.touchCount;
	for(var i : int = 0;i < count; i++) {	
	//var touch : Touch = Input.GetTouch(i);
	touch = Input.GetTouch(i);
	if (leftgui.HitTest(touch.position)&touchhorizontal >= -0.5 ) {
		touchhorizontal -= 0.1;
	else if (rightgui.HitTest(touch.position)&touchhorizontal <= 0.5 ) {
			touchhorizontal += 0.1;
	else if (downgui.HitTest(touch.position)&touchvertical>= -1.0 ) {
			touchvertical -= 0.1;
	else if (upgui.HitTest(touch.position)&touchvertical<= 1.0 ) {
			touchvertical += 0.1;
//////////// set back to 0 if not touched

	if (leftgui.HitTest(touch.position)==false&rightgui.HitTest(touch.position)==false&count==1){
	else if (downgui.HitTest(touch.position)==false&upgui.HitTest(touch.position)==false&count==1){
	else if (count==0){

Unity GUI stuff is drawn with 0,0 in the top left hand corner of the screen. The input for touch has 0,0 in the Lower left hand corner. So for testing the ‘proper’ Y component of the touch just subtract your touch’s y component from the Screen.height and then check using the Rect.Contains function to get the return you are expecting.