Hi, I am just getting started with VFX Graph, we have a game that has tons of shuriken ParticleSystems and after making a few test we could see how much faster VFX Graph is, which is awesome. However, using the Frame Debugger we have noticed that even if we have the simplest possible VFX Graph, spawning quads with the default shader and texture and doing nothing to them, in a new empty scene, with no scripts or lights or anything… unity is unable to batch the draw calls of the two separate instances of the same VFX Graph.
I have tested everything I could think of, made sure GPU instancing is enabled in the generated material, even tried disabling SRP Batcher (we are using URP), made sure there was nothing specific to our project affecting the results… so now I am unsure, is this the intended behaviour? If I have 10 instances of the same VFX Graph, outputting a simple quad with the default texture and shader, all visible… is that intended to be 10 draw calls? Verified these are separate draw calls from Frame Debugger and Render Doc (in RenderDoc I can see that they are using the same buffers, everything is in line for them to be batched into one draw call… they just arent, its like it is not supported at all). In Frame Debugger the message is either “Unknown reason” for the batch, or “different material”. Here is a screenshot of my full VFX Graph, which is as simple as possible:
Would appreciate any help or hints of what to look after, but at this point Im starting to consider if it might be a bug of our version (2022.3.50) or idk… some obscure project setting that might be breaking the batching.