VFX Graph doesn't work when submitted via PlasticSCM

I’m not sure if this is a VFX Graph question or a PlasticSCM question, but I was running into this problem with Collaborate, before the migration to PlasticSCM.

When I add or update a VFX Graph to a project and a collaborator downloads that VFX Graph, the visual effects don’t load into their Unity Editor or Play window until they edit and re-save the VFX Graph on their system.

Is there a project setting I’m missing that would make the VFX Graph auto compile when imported into a project?

Additionally, and I’m not sure if it’s related, but the VFX Graph texture was also set to “Default Particle” instead of the correct VFX ShaderGraph. Is that also an issue with a known fix?

Hey! You are bumping into this issue: Unity Issue Tracker - Visual Effects Graph Asset's Shaders are not imported when launching Unity

Pull Request of this fix is currently being reviewed. Let me know if I can be of any further help

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In the meantime, you can recompile all project VFX by going in Edit => VFX => Rebuild and save all VFX
This should recompile and solve the issue, but it can take some time if you have a big project.