Hello. I’m trying to replicate the GenieMagicLamp effect in the Unity Demo on GitHub, but I can’t create some of the blocks in the Genie VFX graph which are “Add Position From Map”, “Add Position (Shape: Sphere)”. Turning on the Experimental Operators/Blocks in the Visual Effects settings doesn’t help. The only way to have the same blocks is copying the blocks and paste them in my graph which is super inconvenient. Am I missing something?
I’m using URP in Unity 2020.3.0f1 and 2020.3.6f1
Hi @HaruLee932001 ,
Many blocks and contexts within the VFX Graph have additional options you can modify in the inspector once you select them. For example, you can add a Set Position From Map block and modify its composition to Add instead of Overwrite (i.e. “Set”) values, like this:
Hope this helps!
Thank you so much! Much love Unity team!
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