VFX Graph stops spawning particles if trigger event over time is active

I made a graph with a lot of particles and I want some of them to create trails, so I inserted a trigger over time, rate set to 100.
Once I do that the system only emits 1 loop, even though it’s still set to infinite. It just stops emitting particles mid-simulation, but the trails still get spawned and updated.
Is that a bug?

Same here…
I found that aliveParticleCount keeps increasing though I do set lifetime of parent particle as well as particle strip.(I made a script to log aliveParticleCount every second)

Once it reaches to capacity of the parent particle, they stop spawning while strips keep spawning as you mentioned.
Strange thing is that even if I set “Set Alive” to false on initializing strip, the count is increasing.

Hope unity staff will give some comment.

Unity 2022.3.14f1 URP
MacBookPro 2021 Monterey