vfx graph water droplets

i can make rain with vfx graph, but i’m trying to figure out how to make rain droplets that stop in the air and maybe make it wobble too.

the best i got is making a water ball texture and making it stop, but it’s too frozen in place, doesn’t look like a ball of water suspended in the air, lacks wobble.

is there any way to achieve that effect? or to animate individual particles like a gif?

Hi, do you have a reference image of what you are trying to achieve?

From what I understood, you can maybe try to use your shader and assign it to VFX Particles, then control the particles position via the VFX Graph. Here is an example of the particle’s behavior. You can toggle the box “Support VFX Graph” in your SGraph settings to be able to assign it to the VFX Graph output.

You can modify the “Multiply position over life” or sur a “velocity over life” to have for example the particles dropping before stopping.

this way, you should be able to have your shader still playing while your particles are suspended in the air

8450114–1120910–DropletTest.unitypackage (4.2 KB)