Hi, I’m rather new to VFX and wanted to get some insight into how others would tackle this vfx project:
So, in the picture there’s this text that read:
“ambient vfx: soft emitting light rising to the top”
I imagine that means the light at the base of the red/yellow line would start shining up until the top where it would glow very bright, fade, then start again.
Is this a shader thing? How would you achieve this and if there’s a .shader you could link, I’d love to see how it works. I think I would easily be able to do this in unreal, with a uv scroll node, but hm, not sure in unity- how would you make it glow too?
Last thing at the top:
“active state: vfx - hologram of planets shoots out from the center”
I think that’s just a mesh particle with render trail right? the glow itself of the planet I’m not so sure, but I guess an additive standard shader should do right?
Well, thanks, also…any resources of learning more about vfx in unity would be very much appreciated.
There are a variety of ways to do vfx like those. Often it will depend on the situation. For these, the are most likely mesh and texture scrolling/animation.
That first one is probably a either a scrolling texture via shader.
For the glows, again probably just a billboard with an additive shader. Something like this:
The planet could be a particle, but probably just a mesh, as is the light beam (cone). Like this :
Using meshes, small textures (or coloring verts) and additive shaders will cover a lot of ground. The roof glow is probably the same, just a in inverted cone, and the texture is animated either with animation particles or shader.