I have seen some dismal reports of fill rates being sub 10% and there basically being all of 2 ads right now (Nissan and Dove). Anyone else have any different experiences?
its not bad but with its US only focus and the low fillrate, using mobclix at least to me is the way to go.
mobclix will attempt to serve you your iad and if that fails, fill it with its ad system ads
Looking at abmobclix, it seems they pay per impressions. Is it correct? That seems huge.
Well here are some specs from my experience.
Yesterday I had:
Revenue $2.90
eCPM $34.57
Requests 1,502
Impressions 84 (very sad fill rate)
Fill Rate 2.3%
This tells me that when apple can sell their product and get close to a full fill rate I would have made closer to 80.oo based on my eCPM.
Barely worth it but I have confidence apple is a strong enough company to sell their product.
I have a feeling companies will start to buy in soon.
I am starting to see some pretty creative interactive ads by large car companies and what not.
Did you release a special version of your app for it? Or do you require everyone updating it to go to 4.0?