I’m developing a 2D/3D mixture game where I have 2D sprites with box colliders standing and moving on their 3D environments. I figured out how to move the PC and change sprite animations but when I move into a collider which is a wall in this case, there is a vibration like it’s trying to kick me back.
This is the video that shows the issue:
These are my Physics settings:
Would be so nice if you could help me get rid of this problem.
EDIT1: The problem kind of disappears when I change my Fixed Timestep from 0.01 to 0.008. It is not the solution of course but I may stay with it since I couldn’t manage to control my character by velocity and addForce.
I use horizontal and vertical axises and give my vectors x and z values for it to move on horizontal space but the character hovers up. And also it doesn’t seem to be moving xz or -xz directions.
By the way when I do it only on 2D it works and there is no vibration anymore.