Video background,Video player as background

Hi im trying to have a videoplayer as background for my game. I set the render mode to far plane and add the video but all objects i add to the scene gets behind the video?

How can i have a video as background with objects ontop of it?


Hellium’s reply did not work for me, instead this solution worked:

at minute 5:42

He shows how to render a video to a texture placed onto a Quad game object.

If you do this then you make a sorting layer; let’s say for a 2d sprite maybe, and place the sprites layer before the Quad’s layer then the videio will render behind your sprite.

Sidenote: remember to switch to 3D view and make sure your 2D sprite is not literally behind the the Quad in relationship to the camera.

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  1. Create another camera called Video Camera
  2. Set the Clear Flags of this camera to match the Clear Flags of your Main Camera
  3. Set the Culling Mask to Nothing
  4. In the Camera field of your Video Player component, drag & drop the Video Camera you’ve set up
  5. Set the Clear Flags of your Main Camera to Depth Only