Hey all,
After spending some time with ads, I have everything working, though I do have the following questions:
For ads that stop so that they can buffer. is there a way to detect if the video is/isn’t 100% cached? I set allowPrecache to true, but If I am in a slow cell area the ad plays in a really choppy manner, with allot of pauses.
is the test ad for defaultZone skippable? It doesn’t show the option to skip when I run it on my device. It shows the same ad as the one that runs for rewardedVideoZone. I have it set to be skippable after 5 seconds in my dashboard.
Edit: after more searching around it appears that pictureZone has been phased out
In the dashboard under ad placement it doesn’t show the option to add pictureZone, is this option being phased out? Or how can I set this up?
Sorry about the delayed response. To answer your questions:
Using the latest SDK or asset package version, we can disable streaming per game ID. There have been issues with streaming video ads under poor network conditions. We are working to improve the SDKs handling of network errors and improve streaming. In the mean time, I can disable streaming for you. Please contact me directly with your developer ID and game ID if you would like this disabled.
This may be a bug with iOS builds that occurs when a zone is not specified when the call to Show() is made. I’ll have to research this suspicion. If the option to skip is enabled, you should see the option when the ad is shown.