Video call in Unity?

Is it possible to make two computers engage in a video call (across a network)?

I’m working on a project to design a virtual campus (Where players/students can design their avatars, attend lectures, talk with friends,… etc). A part of it is where a professor can do a realtime online video streaming - resembling a lecture, another is where two students can chat with each other via video call.

So, my question is: Is this possible? And if it is, can you give my any guidelines on what to do/learn?
I’ve already applied some tutorials on how to make a basic MMO, and on capturing video from a webcam & displaying it on a game object. But I can’t seem to merge them together.

Your help is much appreciated :slight_smile:

EDIT: 8 March. I’ve managed to write a script to transfer the data from the webcam over the network. It gives a blank page on the receiver’s end, but it’s something :slight_smile:

#pragma strict
var webcamTexture : WebCamTexture;
var data : Color32[];
function OnServerInitialized() {
        webcamTexture = WebCamTexture();
        renderer.material.mainTexture = webcamTexture;  
        data = new Color32[webcamTexture.width * webcamTexture.height];
function Update () {
    webcamTexture.GetPixels32 (data);
function OnConnectedToServer() {
    networkView.RPC ("WebcamStream", RPCMode.Others, data, webcamTexture);
function WebcamStream (data : Color32 [], webcamTexture: WebCamTexture) {
    var    newwebcamTexture: WebCamTexture = webcamTexture;
    renderer.material.mainTexture = newwebcamTexture;
    var newdata: Color32[] = data;
    webcamTexture.GetPixels32 (newdata);

Unity does have a system for web cam’s, please look at the documentation WebCamTexture.

Edit: Read the rest of your question. You will have to transmit the frames after say encoding them as a byte array or some other form to the connected users, decode it back and create a texture, rinse repeat. You will want to use in particular the GetPixel/GetPixels/GetPixel32 functions/methods of the WebCamTexture class.