Video demo of our Unity iPhone game - iSnowboard

After 2 days with Unity/iPhone SDK, here is a video of our snowboard app:

This is the actual Unity app running on iPhone (no USB wires attached!).

Accelerometer inputs to steer, touch to crouch, release crouch to ollie, touch in air to do a grab (more grabs coming soon).

Kudos to the Unity team for making it so easy to wire up the iPhone inputs!

looks good

Sweet! You have a hit on your hands.

What’s the avg frame rate?

About 10 fps – still looking for ways to increase!

(I also noticed that with the StarTrooper demo in phone I’m getting 15 fps – so that seems to be a max framerate)

Frame rate issues aside, that really looks sharp. It’s really encouraging to see such results only a few days after the release of the Unity iPhone tools.

Just imagine how far Unity developers will go with this about a year from now.

The bullet-time feature is simply pure genius!


Looks great!!

Our studio is developing a game that is not quite a snowboarding game, but close. We put together a quick demo this weekend to test play and it’s night and day with the tilt and touch controls. Just awesome!

Good luck with your release!!

I don’t know the technical reasons behind this, but Joachim told us that due how the iPhone works you will get 15 fps until your application is able to do 30 fps or more. Another way of saying this is that anything that is less than 30 fps will only be able to be displayed at 15 fps.

Are you using terrains? I thought Unity for iPhone couldn’t?

You can use static meshes to do terrains. pretty simple.

I’ve 28FPS in my test environment for meshes etc, so its not a multiply of 15

Actually, in my tests, the fps will hover around 30 (won’t necessarily be right on 30), and then once you cross a certain threshold, it will drop right to the 15fps range and will hover there (once again, not exactly 15fps). In other words, it doesn’t scale linearly from 30fps to 15fps as you add scene complexity.

Sounds like a vsync thing. With a 60Hz refresh rate on a monitor, for example, with vsync on you’ll get 60fps, unless it goes below 60fps, in which case it drops to 30fps.
