Video player don't working on IOS

Hello, i’m having a problem with the video player component in a mobile game that i’m working on, basically the problem is that the video from the video player simply don’t play, on Android it works just fine, but on IOS it doesn’t, i tried Changing the encoding to H.264 on the importing settings, and the video appeared, but with 1 or 2 fps. Any solution to that?

Format: .mp4
Codec: Auto (Don’t work) / H.264 (Work at 2 fps)
Unity Version: 2020.3.30f1 (LTS)
Video size: 3MB

Bonus question: I have some videos that are downloaded from the internet in runtime using Unity.WebRequest, and those videos that i download works just fine, so here’s my question: Why a video that i downloaded from a url works, but a video that is imported on the game folder don’t?

Are you saying that the same video when downloaded using Unity.WebRequest works but not when imported? It clearly seems to be a bug if the same code works on android but not on iOS. Can you open a bug report? We will investigate what is happening. If you can, can you try on another iOS phone and see if the same issue happens? Maybe the issue is only happening on this specific device so make sure to specify the model in the bug report.

Sorry for the late response, but i have to do more tests with it, because it seems that the info that it don’t work only in IOS may be wrong, and there could be an issue with the video, or some configuration that is wrong, and I’m not having time to test it properly, because I’m having other issue with shaders that don’t render, might as well create another thread for this problem.

I managed to find that the problem is indeed on the video, testing with the video that I use in another part of the game, it works.

I’m gonna mark this thread as “Resolved” as soon that, the problem was found, and I will work to fix the video :slight_smile:

did you ever find out why the video was not working in iOS?

It was a problem on the video itself. I think that was something with the encoding format that the video was exported.