Video Player error while reading

Hey I have some problem on Unity 2022.3.12f with Video Player.
On android its playing video with no problem but on ios/osx getting this error

AVFoundationVideoMedia error while reading
Context: AVFoundationVideoMedia::OpenForRead found no video tracks
Error details:

Maybe someone had/has this kind of problem and could assist :slight_smile:

Thanks in advance

Maybe check transcode for that platform?
That way it will be converted to Unity’s internal video systems

Already tried that also :slight_smile: Same error. The Only difference i have noticed was after changing backend it started playing, but i cant detect what is the problem. the link does not require any time of authentications, but still same error.

Ah it’s via url? Not a file?
If so, I think apple platforms have some extra player settings

Yeah thats the thing. It also does not play it in Editor on OSX :frowning: and the error is saying nothing at all.