Hi. I try to use UnityAds for my Android project, but ad(post banner) doesn’t work correctly.
compileSdkVersion 30
targetSdkVersion 30
UnityAds for Android = 3.4.8 or 3.4.6
Device: Honor 9, Android 9.0; Pixel 3a, Android 11;
Just to clarify a little better here, are you using a direct integration of Unity Ads, and if so, from which distribution channel (asset store or package manager). It looks like your saying the end screen does not load properly for an ad after showing a banner ad? Any clearer reproduction steps would be very much appreciated. A log capture would be awesome here, though text > picture as it allows easier copy/pasting.
I used version - implementation ‘com.unity3d.ads:unity-ads:3.4.8’:
from: GitHub - Unity-Technologies/unity-ads-android: Unity Ads SDK for Android
I tested this behavior in the demo ^:
- I used gradle:4.0.1 - classpath ‘com.android.tools.build:gradle:4.0.1’
- migrated to AndroidX
- Set compileSdkVersion = 30 and targetSdkVersion = 30
6221214–684126–UnityAds_demoapp_video_all_logs.txt (525 KB)
6221214–684129–UnityAds_demoapp_video_unityads_logs.txt (242 KB)