Video Quality getting degraded automatically

I am importing my cut scene videos in unity but their quality is getting degraded evertime, I was importing Rec 709 videos , then I tried sRGB videos, then I tried uploading it to YT and then downloading and improting it form there but evertime the result was the same, and before you guess something about render texture, the quality is exactly bad in inpsector as it is in runtime. Here is the screenshots, VLC vs Unity Inpector & Runtime

and here is the ss of the project settings

Please help, me I am stuck with this issue for over two weeks.

More important would be to see the video asset settings and/or the Inspector settings for the video player.

The video looks like it’s being rendered in 16-bit color. Or just lossy compressed at a lesser quality.

If you drop the video into Unity under Assets (excluding StreamingAssets) then Unity will reprocess it, like any other asset, which could lead to this issue. And the only way to change that is via asset Importer settings.

The alternative, if you’re not doing that already, is to load the video from StreamingAssets so that it is used “as is”. If in that case it does not render, then the video codec is probably not compatible with the player.

here it is

I have tried tweaking all the options in here but nothing works, I am not loading them from Streaming
Assets, but if this doesn’t work, ig that’s the last option I got.