Video recorder generates error

Whenever I start a Timeline cutscene in editor, I get these errors.

‘UnityEditor.Recorder.Input.GameViewInputSettings’ is missing the class attribute ‘ExtensionOfNativeClass’!

‘UnityEditor.Recorder.Input.AudioInputSettings’ is missing the class attribute ‘ExtensionOfNativeClass’!

My game is about 9 GB’s, it’s not quite possible to upload the whole game.

My log file is: Dropbox

It happens even in an empty scene with a director.
Cinemachine 2.2.9, Recorder 2.0.2-preview.3, Windows 10 64-Bits

Hi again,

I meant a screenshot of the RecorderClip inspector, to use the same options than you :slight_smile:

I just gave a try with Windows 10, Unity 2018.4.5f1, Recorder 2.0.2-preview.3, Cinemachine 2.2.9 :

  • Created a timeline
  • Added a Recorder Clip with a MovieRecorder
  • Trigger a Record
    ----> all good.

Would it be possible that your Assets folder contain an old package of Recorder ?

If not, I would try to pinpoint if there is a package / element in your Assets Folder that interact badly with Recorder :

  • Duplicate your project
  • Starting with your Assets Folder, delete one by one what is in it and check if the error still shows up.

Another way, would be to start from an empty project and re-add stuff until it breaks.

Could be worth to try with 2018.4.5f1.


I am going to try the things you adviced, thank you.