I’m trying to find out if it’s possible to insert a video texture in timeline, so that timeline controls the state of a video texture(i.e. fast forward, rewind, pause, replay, etc.).
Basically what I have is this:
Character animation is being controlled by timeline.
There is a scrub tool which user can manipulate during play mode to rewind/fast forward animation.
One of the shaders for the character is using video texture.
Everything is in sync on awake, but if a user scrubs to a different frame, the video texture doesn’t change.
Is there a way to insert a video texture in time line? Is this even possible? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!
Hi Mike,
At the moment I’m using video player component and plugging the video texture into the shader. I’ve followed “Playing Video in Unity” tutorial, which was super helpful. There’s a time line scrubber ui a player can manipulate during play mode. When a player moves a scrubber, animation and audio change accordingly, but not video textures. I’m guessing that’s because video texture isn’t a part of time line. Is it even possible to add a video texture into time line? Thank you for your time!
HI Elliott,
I ended up using AVPro. Unfortunately I can’t share my project with you, but if you are looking for more robust video player tool for unity, I recommend AVPro. It’s expensive though.