Video won't show up on quad and Unity Hub can't create a new folder.

Hi all. So I’m new to unity, so I don’t know if my issues are user error or because of the software.

First off I’m creating an AR photo using unity. The issue I am running into is that for some reason the 3D object, a quad, that plays the video isn’t working. When I test it with my webcam the video turns white and only plays the audio. However I’ve had the video to work before, but it suddenly stopped yesterday. I also noticed the quad, or any other 3D object, has turned grey from it’s normal white. This change has also happened throughout all of Unity, not just that one project. I’ve tested lighting and it doesn’t seem to be the issue to.

Second for some odd reason I can’t create any new projects in Unity Hub, having “Creating Project folder failed!” pop up. Sometimes I can’t even open my projects I previously created, having to try again. I’ve tried everything from restarting, uninstalling, and reinstalling Unity and Unity Hub. I’ve also tried restarting my laptop and still can’t find a solution.

Any help is much obliged. Thank You in advance!!



Hello @daovue11 ,

What you’re describing seems like maybe you have a hardware problem… Do you only have issues with Unity or did you noticed some other apps having similar behaviors?

Is it possible for you to test your project on another machine?

I hope this helps!

Hi DiegoDePalacio,

Thank you for the help. I actually can’t test it on another machine, as I don’t have another one available to me at this moment. As for other apps there seems to be no similar issues. If it is a hardware issue, is there any other way I can test that and/or solve it.

Thanks again.

If you don’t have issues with other apps and you can’t test in another machine, then let’s explore other options :wink:

In your project:

  • You mentioned that your app was working fine before… Do you have a backup of the previous version (where the video was working) that you can test and compare?
  • Are you using some versioning software, like Git, in where you can analyze the changes made lately?

In your machine:

  • Can you check if you have enough space in your HD to create more projects?
  • Have you checked (if you’re on Windows) on the “Device Manager” if your hardware does not have any issue?

I hope this helps you to find the solution!