I have a problem with Videoplayer on Android devices. I’m using render texture and UI RawImage to show video. In Editor or Android emulator (BlueStack) video playing with normal colors, but on real Device (Samsung Galaxy tab a 10.1) video colors seems shifted, like this:
I’m trying to build by Unity 2019.4.3, 2020.1.0, change any options and color formats in RenderTexture, but result was the same.
We get similar issues once in a while that are device-specific. If we can reproduce locally (meaning we have the device and the problematic media), it’s generally easy enough to fix. It tends to happen more on the Vulkan code path because we have to do some of the color plane stitching in memory due to missing support in the media/vulkan connection. Can you confirm what graphics API you are using?
So could you please open a bug report with a simple playback scene that reproduces the issue?
Hello again. This problem is repeated and I forgot how to solve it in previous time, but remembered about this topic.
Your solution (delete Vulkan API) helped.
Thanks )).
Life saver! I was messing around with different enums from RenderTextureReadWrite and i knew my panel, that the RenderTexture for the video is holding, has the right HE code for the colour. On dev PC was showing fine, but on export to Huawei P30 Pro was slightly ‘off’ colour!!!