Is it possible to view Hashtable keys and values in the debugger? I can’t find the keys and values when I explore a hash object in the Locals (variables) panel in the debugger.
Try expanding the “table” under your expanded hashtable var in the Locals inspector. It will give you an array of the key/value pairs. You will then have to expand each of those individually (and some of them will be null), but it’s as close as I could find to what you are (and i was) looking for (if I understand you correctly).
If by “debugger” you mean the inspector, Unity has no built-in support for that. You can write a custom inspector though.
You need a loop to print each elements
foreach( Object O in myTable )
print( "Key ", O.Key );
print( "Value ", O.Value );
Or look here : Hashtable.Add(Object, Object) Méthode (System.Collections) | Microsoft Learn