Viewing GUI in Scene Window

Hi Everyone,

I was wondering if there is any way to see GUI generated with GUI.Label for example in the Scene Window in the Editor (not in the Game view);

I managed to get the camera the Scene Window is using via reflection and added a component to the gameObject with an OnGUI function but it didn’t work.

Any ideas?


You can view&code your GUI with the game running in the editor. Script changes wont be lost, unlike the scene changes.

Yes, I know, but the thing is that I want to make a custom GUI Editor and use empty game objects as position rotation providers to different GUI elements.

And also I would like to view the GUI in scene view because I want to use other tools we already have in place such as Bezier curves that are drawn with gizmos, etc.

No, you can’t really just draw GUI in the Scene view. Take a look at the various Editor classes for what’s possible with GUI and tools work inside of Unity.

Did you check out GUIX?