ViewportToWorldPoint not working correctly on windows phone


I use the ‘ViewportToWorldPoint’ camera function to get the world extents of the screen. To do this I pass (0,1,0) for top-left and (1,0,0) for bottom-right. This works fine on Windows/iOS/Android etc… but not on Windows Phone.

On Windows Phone the values change depending on the orientation of the phone and the y axis is also reversed compared to the other platforms. I’ve reported this as a bug but wasn’t sure if it would be picked up because it wasn’t part of a project as such. (and I didn’t have anything to attach)

Generally it appears that the left and right values are transposed on landscape right but not landscape left.


Do you have Input.compensateSensors set to true?

No, I haven’t changed anything like that. Everything works perfectly on iOS/Android so I don’t think it’s related to my code. That function should return the same values on any platform.

Thanks for the bug report. We’ll look at it.