Vintage Muscle Car for Storm Chasing and more

Here’s a quick video of the most basic storm chasing vehicle that I have in development for several game projects on which I’m working. In default mode, the vehicle will quickly reverse directions without flipping so you can race through the scene without flipping, but if you apply the brakes when turning you get a lot more creative control. It’s a lot of fun for the most basic vehicle.

I’ve been developing a complete suite of drones, helicopters and vehicles with a reasonable amount of physics and weaponry and feedback on my YouTube videos helps me decide what’s popular these days so I can better focus my time. Thanks for any feedback.

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Awesome! Love the randomness in the scene, crashed helicopter, tractor trailer colliding with the backhoe and the backhoe slowly rolling across the area.
Sorry I can’t comment on the vehicle too much. It looks cool, and I like the secondary motion when it stops, the controls look responsive and tight.