Today my app was rejected again. The first time it was a privacy policy issue, which thanks to everyone here, i was able to solve. This time it feels that the error is not clear at all. I attached a snapshot of the violation and they attached an image describing the issue which seems not very clear.
Is there any issue with unity ads? why did they include it in the email attachment
They mention IAP in the violation, but my app includes none.
Is the “Play” icon button really that misleading and deceptive? Its normal for it to be styled like the game interface so that it looks nice. The icon is distinguishable and is clearly labeled “Watch a video to skip level”.
I have made some changes to the interface, so please give me your opinion if you still think i would face the same issue.
My opinion is that you need to open up the link they sent (Families Ads and Monetization) and read through what they expect from you and act accordingly. I got the impression from your post that you haven’t done it yet…
True i didn’t do anything yet. Of course i read about the “Families Ads and Monetization”, and i also been look at other games. The only reason i could think-of that this was a violation is because the “Play” icon is like a main action. Player may think the need to press this button if the lost.
If the “Watch video to skip level” isn’t obvious, then what is? do you think maybe i should say “Level is too hard” then “Watch a video to skip level” and make this a side icon.
My guess would be that video is not a synonym for advertisement. I would use: watch ad/advertisement to…
Here is how my button to receive free crystals looks:
Also, make sure you have disabled ads with 18+ content(gambling alcohol and so on) on the dashboard.
Haha, Well, that should probably work but if you want to be even more specific and safe, I would add the Ad word to the button itself. I’m using the button from the previous post and for now, Google didn’t have any issues with it.