I am trying to diagnose why SteamVR is not working correctly in the latest Unity Editor now that they have dropped support for OpenVR.
My problem is that every time I try to set virtualRealitySupported=false I get an error message saying that “XR has been disable…”
Button code sets virtualRealitySupported to false:
if (GUILayout.Button ("TEST")) {
Debug.Log(PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported); //THIS ALWAYS PRINTS TRUE!!
PlayerSettings.virtualRealitySupported = false;
When I press the button to run the line above I get this message:
Then Unity goes and does a bunch of work for about a minute,
Then when i press the button again, virtualRealitySupported prints “true” and the message appears again, and Unity does a bunch of work, and the cycle repeats. But why can’t I turn off the old VR support if it’s not used?