Visibility Testing

I've seen a few posts here regarding how to test if an enemy is visible. The one I linked suggested using a mesh collider and if that hit the NPC that I could raycast. What I'm wondering is if there is a more refined method. It seems to me in this case if I don't pick the correct ray that the NPC would still remain hidden.

For example: An NPC is behind a hill and all that is visible, to my player, is his hat. The collider would say the NPC is in range but if I cast a ray from the center of my player's eye out chances are it's going to hit the hill.

The only way I can see to check real visibility is to cast a ray from the player's eye to ever vertex on the other mesh and break if I find any that aren't blocked but this would be very expensive.

Use several raycasts instead of just one. You don't need to check every possible point, just a few on the extremities.

You can try renderer.isVisible

Though this will return true if the renderer is visible in any camera including the editor view camera.

Really you don't need that level of accuracy in a game