Visible background of smoke particles?

Hi, for some reason the transparent backgrounds of particles are visible when they overlap. Does anyone know why this is? Does it has to do my certain settings within Unity?

(Note: the scene in the screenshot comes from a free Unity package called Detonator Explosion Framework, and you can download them here: Detonator Explosion Framework | VFX Particles | Unity Asset Store. In their demo on this website: there doesn’t seem to be any problem, so… I don’t know, I’m guessing it could be my Unity settings…)

Hey this is because the importer misinterprets the smoke texture as a normal map. When you import the package it will pop a notification about this and you need to say “Ignore” instead of “Fix”. However you can go into the smoke texture itself and change it from Normal Map to Texture and that should fix it.

As an aside a new version of Detonator is coming to the Asset Store soon which should fix this problem. It was caused by some very old metadata hanging around in the package which caused problems as Unity was updated.