I’m trying to work on a simple ant colony simulation - while I initially was planning on having the ants travel freely, I’m now leaning towards having the ants constrained to traveling along graph edges from vertex to vertex.
I’m completely new to Unity, so this may be an obvious question, but what I’m envisioning is a visible grid composed of triangles (like the interior of this: http://geographyfieldwork.com/images/Graphs/triangulargraph.gif) wherein the ants would travel from vertex to vertex along the edges.
I will obviously need to keep track of all the vertices and edges - I intend to move the ants by updaating their position from one vertex to another vertex depending on the edge they choose.
I’ve searched for answers but can’t figure out which direction to go with this - should I create a 2D Mesh (can a mesh be created such that each vertex has 6 edges and is essentially the center of a hexagon?) or should I draw the vertices and edges manually? Or is there another way entirely I should be going about this?