Visiblity Animation from Maya to Unity

Hi all,
I need to know the best way to import visibility animation from Maya to unity,
I frequently need to animate objects that goes off n On.
Right know I am scaling the object from .001 to 1 which works out but most of the time animation
looks popping out means not a smooth animation.
For which i tried to copy the animation clip n thn edit the tangents but that also doesnt work everytime.
Please lemme know the solution asap.

Unity created a video covering this topic, however I’d suggest you might want to approach this a different way. I think performing this on/off via layers in Unity rather than visibility tracks might be a better/more optimal approach.

thanks for your response, I have tried the process of the video but I am
not getting the visiblity attributes that are showing in video- attaching the snapshot of that.
Secondly, it was not possible for me to do this in Unity as I have sync many objects with audio,
I this case I think switching on/off is handy if done in Maya.


ok I checked again,the visibility attribute show in unity 2017 but I am using Unity 5.6.2,
Any idea how to get it in 5.6.2 ?

need to get this solve asap.

pls help me on this…

As far as I’m aware some teams have written/extended Unity importer to support additional animation data using prior versions of Unity (5.6) but I don’t think this is supported out of the box.
There might be something in the asset store that can import additional animation data. I do know the animation data IS available through fbx, but unaware how to import it in previous versions.
Seems like this could be replicated in Unity easier than messing with a customized importer.

you will have to set the import visibility in import setting enable