VisionOS: baked lighting via PS lighting node not looking correct

I’m trying to implement baked lighting in PolySpatial (PS) via the PS Lighting node. Following the docs, I added it to an unlit shader graph. However, results are very different from a normal “lit”+ baked lighting material. How do I achieve the same look?

Standard Lit (URP)

Custom shader graph with PS lighting

my shader graph:

The polyspatial lighting node seems to not detect the lightmaps.
With a white material in lit mode, you can see the baked lighting.
With the polyspatial lighting node, it’s just white and no baked lighting can be seen, dispite the baked lighting setting set to lightmap…

polyspatial with “baked lighting”

standard lit material:

However, with baked lighting to None, it becomes totally unlit, so some baking is added, but it’s def. not a full blown lightmap that is being displayed. What is going on?

I’d have to see more details of your scene/project to really know what’s going on, but the first thing that comes to mind is that the PolySpatial Lighting node only works in play mode/game view/actual builds, not in edit mode/scene view, which is what you’re showing here. That’s basically because it requires the PolySpatial runtime to be active in order to supply the correct properties to the shader graph. We have it on our list to change the way that we handle this kind of lighting to use a custom extension (similar to this one), so that instead of using an Unlit target with the PolySpatial Lighting node, you’d use a Lit one (meaning that everything would work as expected in the Unity editor view) with the extension, and the PolySpatial lighting would be applied in the MaterialX output only.

That would also solve another problem you may run into, which is that baking might not/probably won’t work as expected with the PolySpatial Lighting shader graphs in place, which means you have to bake with the standard URP/Lit materials and switch to the shader graphs afterwards. There’s an example of a script to do this here.

If that doesn’t solve your issues, feel free to submit a repro project as a bug report and let us know the incident number (IN-#####) so that we can look into it directly.