VisionOS controls unresponsive

I am trying to use Unity’s built in VisionOS controls (slider, list, button, toggle, etc) and while they respond in Unity’s runtime emulator, they are unresponsive in the XCode compiled project.

I am using Unity 6, VisionOS 2.1 and XCode 16.2

Are you using Metal or RealityKit mode? Is this happening in the visionOS simulator or on device (or both)? If you like, you can submit a bug report (and let us know the incident number: IN-#####), and we can look into what the issue might be.

Running in Metal mode, and i don’t have any HW yet to test it. I’ll only invest in the hardware once I can prove things out in the simulator.

There are some additional pieces required to get UI working in Metal mode. You might want to start with the Metal samples, which provide an example of UGUI interaction that works in the simulator.

excellent! Thank you. :+1:t2:

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