VisionOS -> Gamepads with Input System vs. Input Manager?

For sanity purposes, can anyone confirm whether gamepad (Playstation or Xbox) controllers work in Unity/VisionOS using Unity’s newer Input System method? I can only seem to get the older Input Manager to connect to my controllers on the AVP in a packaged build.

Gamepad with new input system is working well in my game. (Tested Xbox controller)
PolySpatial 1.1, 1.2, 1.3 and visionOS 1 & 2

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Thank you. So weird I can’t get it to work… I’m on pre.11 but I can’t imagine that is what is blocking me. Will try in a new project. :slight_smile:

By any chance, in non-metal compositor builds (not full immersion) do you have any issues with input getting highjacked by gaze using mixed or volumes? I literally have to look away to get my controllers to get picked up… the opposite of what you want think… I would expect I could look at something and the input on the controllerworks… but I can only look away from object, move the controller and look back and the controller is working.

I had the same problem with VisionOS 2.0. Game controller input would no longer be sent to my window. If I turned to look away from the window, started pressing buttons or moving the stick, and then turned back then input would work. This is with Unity 2022 and 6.0.

The problem is VisionOS 2.0 added the ability to use the game controller with the OS UI. To enable game views to also receive input, you need to add a GCEventInteraction to your view’s interactions array. It’s mentioned in the VisionOS 2.0 release notes here.

Here is the code I added to my UnityAppController to fix it. This is in the startUnity function.

GCEventInteraction* gamepadInteraction = [[GCEventInteraction alloc] init];
gamepadInteraction.handledEventTypes = GCUIEventTypeGamepad;
NSMutableArray* interactions = [NSMutableArray array];
[interactions addObject:gamepadInteraction];
[interactions addObjectsFromArray:_rootView.interactions];
_rootView.interactions = interactions;

Sounds like this might be the same problem you are running into so hopefully this helps.

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Yes! This is exactly what i was looking for! Thank you for passsing along. :slight_smile:

Is this where it goes? :slight_smile:

- (void)startUnity:(UIApplication*)application
    NSAssert(_unityAppReady == NO, @"[UnityAppController startUnity:] called after Unity has been initialized");


    // we make sure that first level gets correct display list and orientation
    [[DisplayManager Instance] updateDisplayListCacheInUnity];
    GCEventInteraction* gamepadInteraction = [[GCEventInteraction alloc] init];
    gamepadInteraction.handledEventTypes = GCUIEventTypeGamepad;
    NSMutableArray* interactions = [NSMutableArray array];
    [interactions addObject:gamepadInteraction];
    [interactions addObjectsFromArray:_rootView.interactions];
    _rootView.interactions = interactions;

Yes, that should work.

Weird. I’ll give it another shot with clean build but when I tested this I still had to look away to get focus. Clean build might help. Thanks again!

You probably want to put it outside the “#if !PLATFORM_VISIONOS” block. Otherwise, it won’t compile on visionOS.

    // we make sure that first level gets correct display list and orientation
    [[DisplayManager Instance] updateDisplayListCacheInUnity];

    GCEventInteraction* gamepadInteraction = [[GCEventInteraction alloc] init];
    gamepadInteraction.handledEventTypes = GCUIEventTypeGamepad;
    NSMutableArray* interactions = [NSMutableArray array];
    [interactions addObject:gamepadInteraction];
    [interactions addObjectsFromArray:_rootView.interactions];
    _rootView.interactions = interactions;

I tried a clean build and it didn’t work. When I moved the block outside of the if visionos I get this error. Doesn’t recognize GCEventInteraction