Visual artefact from a scene to another

I recently change unity version from 202.3.33 to 2022.3.51 lts
Since this upgrade, I got graphic artefact from a scene to another.
When I came back from my game to my main menu, you can see somme visual glitch.
please look at the video

any idea ?

edit: sorry, I capture the sound of my spotify playlist when I capture the video. lol

I tryed to change loader volume and change volume layer mask by script but nothing change.
The problem still here.

        loaderVolume.GetComponent<Volume>().enabled = false;
        loaderVolume = null;
        loaderVolume = Instantiate(volumeToLoad);
        layermask = hdAdditionalCameraData.volumeLayerMask;
        hdAdditionalCameraData.volumeLayerMask = defaultLayerMask;
        hdAdditionalCameraData.volumeLayerMask = layermask;

any idea ?

Found a solution.
I desactivate my camera before loading scene and it works.

probabaly the scene lodaing did not clean very well.

If you have a better idea. I’ll try it.

it seems that my solution does not work every time.

please, I really need help on this , nobody can help me ?

perhaps it’s a volume priority problem. I’ll try it.