Visual Effect Graph Nintendo Switch Support


For our project we would like to use the visual effect graph, however it doesn’t seem to work at all on Switch. Is Switch support being looked at / are there any estimates for a working version?

I attached a simple project with the default VFX. It just renders the clear color, the VFX doesn’t show up.
Tested with HDRP & VFX 5.10.0


4430287–404794–Particle2019.1.0b9.7z (22.6 KB)


I also want to know, i am currently working on a URP project that will eventully be ported to the Switch, and unfortunalety our company doesnt have access to the SDK, it would be helpfull if someone confirmed the current status of VFX Graph on the Switch.

If you are working on Nintendo Switch, it means you have access to their development portal. This is where you can ask questions as everything between you and Nintendo is under NDA. Unity developers working on Switch support will only respond there as well.