Visual Scripting and/or Unity Scripting?


If I choose to use something like Playmaker for node-based scripting, should everything I do only use Playmaker? I’m having some trouble understanding workflow, apologies for the lvl 0 noob questions.

For instance - If I want to import a character with animation (FBX file) and access those animations, would I still use the inspector and other Unity tools to set this up? Or should I be doing this only through Playmaker?

Thanks for your time and patience.


Welcome to the forums! Don’t sweat the newbie questions… Everyone has to start somewhere, right?

Using a visual scripting tool like Playmaker does not preclude you from also writing your own code. Any decent plugin is written in such a way as to not override built-in classes or functionality, so you can piece together third-party and custom scripts of your own easy-peasy.

Additionally, Playmaker has huge support across the Asset Store. A lot of plugins have built-in compatibility with Playmaker so that you can use their advanced functionality without having to write code there, either!

Thank you very much, Schneider21!

You might also want to check out HeroKit (Easy Game Maker) which is coming out next month. The workflow was built to be easier than Playmaker. Plus if you want to animate a character, this is very simple. As long as there is an animation controller on your model, HK can play any animation on it.

Here is a link to the WIP:

Do also take a look at Gameflow - really promising tool:

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