hello I would like to know about visual scripting. I have no experiences with it at all. Can someone give me an overview of how it works and a good tutorial on the topic. I can’t remember the name of the it but I know its on the unity store. I’m guessing its called visualstudio.
Visual Studio is a software developed by Microsoft with the purpose of building and compiling applications. It’s a very robust IDE, with many wonderful extensions (such as ReSharper and Visual Assist X, or Productivity Power Tools) but it has nothing to do with visual scripting and everything to do with plain, straightforward coding.
Visual scripting is exactly as it sounds like - there are chunks of code, but instead of actually writing them one keystroke at a time, they are represented visually, usually in the form of boxes (or similar shape) with inputs and outputs. They are then connected through these input/output “jacks” to create a certain flow - pretty much the exact thing you’d do with code only without the need to see the ‘ugly’ side of the deal (the visual script is not actually code. It will be ‘compiled’ into code but the end-user is not and does not need to see it).
Looking at the Asset Store under ‘Editor Extensions → Visual Scripting’ gave these results: