Visual studio autocorrect issue

So I am having a problem with visual studio 2019. When I am typing in a keyword that is specific to unity and not C# (something like GameObject, for example), that keyword doesn’t appear in the suggestions drop down that appears when I am typing. Furthermore, Visual Studios will also autocorrect certain unity specific keywords that I try to declare. For example, when I try to declare a Vector3 variable, VS autocorrects the variable type to BitVector32. (just for clarification, I am talking about the variable type, not the name). To fix this, I have disabled the autocorrect feature for the moment, but would like to be able to use the suggestion drop down as it is very useful. I don’t really know how to fix this, it seems like VS isn’t communicating with unity but I don’t really know. Any help would be much appreciated.


Ok, so I was having the same problem and what worked for me is linking up unity with visual studios. If you go into unity and click edit at the top left, preferences>External tools, the first option should be external script editor. Click on the drop down menu and make sure visual studios is selected. This ended up working for me and hope it does for you as well.


That worked like a charm. Thanks so much for your help!

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Same problem; same solution. I think I love you. Wanna get outta here?

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