When I try to open a script with visual studio 2015 from unity, it gives me this error in the visual studio app:
One or more projects in the solution were not loaded correctly.
When I click accept, it opens the script, but inmediatley freezes, it also opens the output window, which says:
C:\Users\Name\Desktop\project\Assembly-CSharp.csproj : error : Project ‘Assembly-CSharp’ could not be opened because the Visual C# 2015 compile…
I can’t read more, because it’s frozen, so I can’t scroll.
Please help me.
You may need to reinstall Visual Studio completely.
You can try;
Removing any *.csproj and *.sln file from …\Desktop\project\ folder and go to Unity, Assets → Open C# Project and try to open again
You can try to run Visual Studio as Administrator account
Check editor.log if any plugin caused any error.
If all these fail, best option is reinstalling Visual Studio or just use Mono Develop.