Visual Studio not recognizing InputValue or InputSystem

I’m writing my scripts for a new project. I just installed the new input system, but when I try to add the function “OnMove” Visual Studio draws a red line under “InputValue” because it doesn’t recognize the type.
I tried to add “using UnityEngine.InputSystem” to the top of the file but then it underlines InputSystem and says the namespace doesn’t exist.
I closed Visual Studio and re-opened it again but it still underlines it.

What am I missing? What am I supposed to do to get Visual Studio to work with the Input System properly?

Make sure you have Input Systems installed through the package manager.

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It is, this is an issue with Visual Studio not realizing that I have it.
The code compiled and everything; I just have Visual Studio squawking at me like I had an error.

…Or had, anyway. After opening up another script the issue went away. Strange that opening a new scripts solved the problem when resetting the program did not.
Thanks for trying to help, at any rate.

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the same happens to me, can somebody help please?

The same problem happened to me.
Resolved by adding:
using UnityEngine.InputSystem;


ur a chad, thanks