Visual Studio Not Showing Proper Suggestions

I’ve updated to Unity version 2020.1.2F1 and now Visual Studio code isn’t showing suggestions for Unity. This happened before with an older version of Unity and I found a rough fix where you would open it in Visual Studio 2019 then go back to Visual Studio code and it would work but that hack is no longer working.

Make sure that Visual Studio Code is appointed as External Tool in the Editor Preferences.
If it already is set correctly, try regenerating csproj files button there

Yes Visual Studio code is listed as my external tool and I’ve already tried regenerating the csproj file and it hasn’t fixed it.

Do you have the latest com.unity.ide.vscode package installed?

I’m trying to do this too. I have the latest stable release of Unity, the latest version of Visual studio. I’m trying to follow along with the Junior Programmer series in Unity Learn. I type in my first line of code requested, which is transfrorm and I am not getting any tips underneath the word that are correct.

This may help you with intellisense and possibly other Visual Studio integration problems:

Sometimes the fix is as simple as doing Assets → Open C# Project from Unity. Other times it requires more.

Other times it requires you also nuke the userprefs and .vsconfig and other crufty low-value high-hassle files that Visual Studio tends to slowly damage over time, then try the above trick.

Barring all that, move on to other ideas:

Also, try update the VSCode package inside of Unity: Window → Package Manager → Search for Visual Studio Code Editor → Press the Update button

Also, this: No suggestions in Vscode - Unity Engine - Unity Discussions

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