I’m writing a custom PropertyDrawer in VisualElement using OnCreatePropertyGUI()
. Inside this drawer I’m caching some data and registering to a click event.
The issue is that when the PropertyDrawer is used inside a list, it sometimes retains invalid data.
Here is a example :
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "Item", menuName = "TEST/Create Item")]
public class CustomDataItem : ScriptableObject
public string debugText;
public class CustomDataItem_PropertyDrawer : PropertyDrawer
private SerializedProperty cachedProperty;
private string cachedGuid;
public override VisualElement CreatePropertyGUI(SerializedProperty property)
// Cached some data
cachedProperty = property;
cachedGuid = GUID.Generate().ToString().Substring(0, 5);
// Create and bind the field.
PropertyField field = new PropertyField(cachedProperty);
// Serialize data into the field to retrieve it later.
field.userData = $"{property.propertyPath}#{cachedGuid}";
return field;
private void OnItemClicked(ClickEvent click)
VisualElement sourceField = click.currentTarget as VisualElement;
string fieldRawData = (string)(sourceField.userData);
string[] fieldData = fieldRawData.Split('#');
string debugText = $"Cached Data: <color=magenta>{cachedProperty.propertyPath} ({cachedGuid})</color>; " +
$"Field Data: <color=magenta>{fieldData[0]} ({fieldData[1]})</color>";
if (cachedProperty.propertyPath != fieldData[0])
[CreateAssetMenu(fileName = "TestData",menuName = "TEST/Create Test Data")]
public class TestData : ScriptableObject
public CustomDataItem singleItem;
public CustomDataItem[] itemsCollections;
When clicking on a CustomDataItem
stored into itemsCollection
we can see that the cached data mismatch it’s visual representation. Field Element 0
can point to itemsCollections[2]
This behaviour appears to be random and starts after adding or moving items in the list.
A video and all scripts can be found in the .unitypacakge attached.
VisualElement_PropertyDrawer_List.unitypackage (276.5 KB)
Is this a bug or am I missing something ?