I discusssed this alreay in the Community. Visualscripting seems to not work in 2022 and AR Environment]) and it looks like it is a bug:
Doing a basic AR template project, with just a cube in the middle and then try to start visual scripting.
System comes back with several crucial messages like:
Assets/Unity.VisualScripting.Generated/VisualScripting.Core/Property Providers/PropertyProvider_UnityEngine_XR_Interaction_Toolkit_XRInteractableEvent.cs(15,76): error CS0619: ‘XRInteractableEvent’ is obsolete: ‘XRInteractableEvent has been deprecated. Use events specific to each state change instead.’
And all the visualscript inspectors are “disabled when plugin version mismatch to prevent data corruption”
I tried regenerating Custom Inspector Properties and also node libraries without any success.
Best regards,
Hello bschaich,
I attempted to reproduce your experience with the VisualScripting nodes inherent in the XR Interactive Toolkit package and I was not able to.
I started with the basic AR template for Unity version 2022.3 LTS, and made sure to downgrade my version of the XR Interactive Toolkit package to 2.6.x to get the XRInteractableEvent in a non-deprecated state.
I then generated nodes successfully, after which I upgraded my XR Interactive Toolkit package to 3.0.4, where XRInteractableEvent has been deprecated. I saw the message to re-generate my nodes due to invalid existing nodes, and was able to do so with the node generate button.
If you would not mind sharing:
- What version of Unity Editor are you using?
- What version of the Visual Scripting package are you using?
- What version of the XR Interactive Toolkit(s) have you been using?
- What are the precise steps that you took from start to finish to see this behavior?
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