VisualTAP - Promote and monetize your apps with 3D AD Screens

Update V1.5 out now!

We recently launched VisualTAP ANDROID SDK V1.5 which will boost your revenue enormously.
Due to the new feature of High Performing Fullscreen Interstitial ads and new tracking features you have a better monetisation of your games and apps. We also did some bug fixing to improve the stability of your apps.

VisualTAP is the number 1 ranked ad network worldwide mentioned in HasOffers install assist attribution report 2014.

Interstitial Ads for native Android Apps - Eclipse, Cocos2d etc.
We also updated our native VisualTAP Android SDK with interstitial ads. From now on you’re able to monetise your native android apps via VisualTAP. This includes Eclipse, Cocos2D and many more.

VisualTAP is live now! We are looking for iOS Android developer who wants to monetize their games in a unique and absolutely user-friendly way.

More informations and Sign-up :
Integration Guide Unity Package :
The VisualTAP Unity integration takes about 2 minutes

Hey Unity Devs,

I’m Martin the CEO of NEONFIVE and I’m proud to introduce our world’s first 3D advertisement technology.
VisualTAP helps you to monetize and promote your apps in a unique and absolutely user-friendly way.

VisualTAP provides advertisements on 3D Billboards in thousands of apps worldwide.

Simply import the VisualTAP UnityPackage, place the 3D AD Screens into your game scenes and maximize the revenue of your fantastic app. Let your users discover other apps in a natural and non-harassing way additionally to all other ad-networks you’re already using.

We were talking to developers and advertisers on GAMESCOM 2013 leaving stunning faces about the mind-blowing opportunities of VisualTAP.
Be part of the 3D ad-revolution and register your account on
Join VisualTAP now!



Let your users discover other apps in a natural and non-harassing way.
VisualTAP is designed to maximize the revenue of your app additionally to all the other ad networks you are using.
It will work without the necessity of game-breaking Pop-Ups to ensure a nonstop game experience of your users.

You want promote your app in a unique way to boost it to the front of the app stores?
Promote your apps across our network and acquire millions of high quality users!
With the use of specialised audience-targeted campaigns VisualTAP will provide you exactly the kind of users you were looking for.
CPM, CPC and CPI are possible. Target your audience by genre, age, gender and country!
We support iOS Appstore, Google Play, Amazon Store, Samsung Store and many more. You can also promote web-player applications and non-apps like websites or brands!

You have more then one app and you’re thinking of Cross-promoting these?
Fantastic - we give you the opportunity to cross- promote your own apps for free.
Show your users the variety of your apps and make them love your brand!

We partnered already with major developers and we also want you as a business partner.

The VisualTAP Unity integration takes about 2 minutes,
Please take a look at our Integration Guide Unity Package :

If you have any question feel free to get in contact.


Copyright © 2013 NEONFIVE STUDIO. VisualTAP is a trademark of NEONFIVE STUDIO. All rights reserved.

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interesting im going to pm you if you dont mind.

We are looking for Unity Developers who will join our official Beta in October 2013.
Become a part of the 3D AD REVOLUTION and start to earn money by views, clicks and installs.

Just PM me for more informations or pre-register your account at


Can you imagine integrating these 3D Billboards into your Unity apps or advertise with VisualTAP?

Do you have any Unity mobile apps? Indie or professional developer? iOS or Android? You are interested in increasing the revenue of your games. We can help you!

Feel free to contact me via pm.

We had exactly this idea years ago, but we failed since we had no start-up capital and it was not easy to get anyone to pay money to ad publishers they don’t know. Also the smartphones were not so popular like they are now. I have a few questions about VisualTAP:

  1. How does a tap work?
  • Raycast to the 3D Model of the ad screen?
  • What happens if some of my UI elements (e.g. jump button) are exactly on this position? → user want’s to jump, but ad is clicked?
  1. How do you show the user that what he sees is clickable? Many games have house intern ads in their games, which are not clickable… So how does the user know that this ad is different? In your demo I would suggest to change the mouse cursor when hovering the ad! But how should we do this on mobile?

  2. Does it work on mobile or browser only? Does it work on standalone?

  3. I can imagine to use your ads in my main menu of Mad Freebording, for example showing a poster on the wall. Can I do something like this? Scale the ad screen to what ever size I want?

Hi FreebordMAD:

Thanks for your reply.

1. How does a tap work?

Yes, we check the tap/click by raycasting to the 3D AD Screen.
Also the SDK comes with a functionality to disable inputs on these screens.

2. How do you show the user that what he sees is clickable?

In most cases there will be a “TAP TO DOWNLOAD” or “TAP FOR MORE INFORMATION” Badge on the advertisement pictures.

3. Does it work on mobile or browser only? Does it work on standalone?

In BETA State we only support mobile platforms like iOS Android. (on Android you can separate between google play, amazon, samsung).
After BETA VisualTAP will step by step support all platforms given by Unity like standalone, webplayer, blackberry, xbox, windows phone etc.
It depends on the advertiser and publisher demands.

4. I can imagine to use your ads in my main menu of Mad Freebording, for example showing a poster on the wall. Can I do something like this? Scale the ad screen to what ever size I want?

Yes you can, but it must follow these requirements:

  • keep the ratio of the scale dimensions – you can scale the screens but must leave the proportion of height width of each screen.

For paid impressions you also must follow these requirements:

  • Size of VisualTAP Screens must cover at least 2.5% of device screen
  • VisualTAP Screens must be at least 25% visible in device screen
  • Angle between VisualTAP Screens and main camera must be smaller than 55°

If you guys have more questions feel free to contact me any time.
Best Martin

Monetize, Advertise Cross-promote your games with VisualTAP - acquire users and earn money.
VisualTAP- the world’s first 3D advertisement technology.

Detailed Statistic via the dashboard - track installs, bootups, clicks and impressions.
VisualTAP will launch soon. Pre-register your account

It would be fun if I put up the sign of it at the town square in my game
Only thing I’m worried about is if this would eat up the frame rates if running on mobile platforms

@proteinbeer - We included VisualTAP in our mobile games and we do not discovered any framerate drops so far. So no worries :wink:

We are proud to announce that VisualTAP - the world’s first in-app 3D AD-Network, is now live and ready to use.
Promote your apps products, get detailed statistics and earn money in an absolutely user-friendly way.

Join VisualTAP now and become a part of the 3D AD-Revolution.
Register your Account and download the official SDK at :

Features of VisualTAP:

  • easy to integrate SDK
  • track bootups, installs, impressions and more
  • promote your product in thousands of other apps
  • maximize your revenue with virtual billboards
  • free campaigns across your apps
  • stunning new ad experience in a user friendly way
  • Oculus Rift support (Unity®)

and many more.
Download the SDK and the integration guide at: SDK DOWNLOAD

VisualTAP is looking for iOS Android developer who wants to monetize their games in a unique and absolutely user-friendly way.
Join now and Cross-Promote your games for free. Earn money on impressions, clicks or installs.
Payment is based on revenue share similar to the revenue share of major advert networks.

VisualTAP supports iOS, GooglePlay, Amazon Samsung apps so far.

The VisualTAP Unity integration takes about 2 minutes.
Take a look at the integration guide: VisualTAP integration guide

It’s free to use - download the Unitypackage now : Click here to download VisualTAP Unitypackage

Hmm… Not working on webplayer still?!

@BrUnO : We’re working on webplayer support.

Feel free to join VisualTAP and check out the FAQ’s.

Big $100 Easter Reward

Coming April we got a great offer for you! In the upcoming weeks you want to make sure that your apps have VisualTAP Screens properly integrated. Integration of VisualTAP Unity Package only takes 2 minutes, easy like drag and drop!

Join now VisualTAP and if you earn more than $100 within April 2014, we add another $100 as a special Easter Reward on top of your April Revenue!

Conditions for this offer: (This offer is limited until 2014/04/30)

  1. Register your account on VisualTAP
  2. Integrate VisualTAP SDK + Screens into your Unity mobile apps
  3. Download the free Unity-Plugin at:
  4. If you reach $100 revenue within April 2014 we add another $100 instantly on top of your April revenue.

Big Dashboard updates

We are pleased to inform you that VisualTAP has introduced new functions to the Dashboard. Now it is possible to customize the time range of your total statistics.
Also you now have an advanced insight for your product details showing you new charts which indicate in what country your apps are running most successfully.
Furthermore, we added some new graphs displaying your daily clicks, CTR, installs, IR and daily app-revenue.

Join now:

Please, any progress on this matter?

A working webplayer ads solution would be very welcome.

Great tool and it is indeed quick to implement.
I have a problem though.
Whenever a visualtap advertising screen appears behind an NGUI button, the visualtap advert fires when the NGUI button is pressed.:

This will of course not work at all because those GUI buttons becomes useless.
These are obviously different camera’s because the NGUI buttons are rendered with a 3dUI instead of 3dworldUI event type…so I’m not sure there is a solution for this problem unless I use 3dworld NGUI buttons?


in that case we’ve a solution - you can disable / enable the input on advertising screens by scripting.
Just disable the input on NGUI click event and enable again when the click is finished by:

Disable Input for VisualTAP SDK





Enable Input for VisualTAP SDK





Thank you.
That was the solution.

I have to try this