Vivaldi - SFX Composer

Vivaldi SFX Composer
Vivaldi is an advanced SFX composer allowing easy assembling of multiple sounds into powerful compositions.

Vivaldi comes with a built-in pooling system, so you don’t have to worry about pooling of your sound effects.

Sync your game actions to cue points and/or loops manually placed within the editor.

Completely randomize your compositions, so that they never sound the same.

Key Features

  • Full Unity Editor Integration
  • Powerful Event System
  • Built-in Audio Pool
  • Set Cue Points
  • Easy API
  • Create Loops with 4 different Modes
  • Randomizable Properties
  • Control Pitch, Volume, Position,etc
  • Reverse/Forward Tracks

Editor UI

Full Sound Control

Runtime Pool

Editor Debugging


Sign me in! As every time. :slight_smile:

Just write us an email using the “subscribe” link above. We changed how the beta system works since the Map Lab beta.

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Hi Guys!

Looks great. Can’t wait to play with it! Any idea of when will begin the beta?


It has already begun.:slight_smile: Currently in the 5th iteration.
Forgot to change the thread title. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Just download it from our website with the key. Let us know what you think about it!

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Ok! I’ll check it right now. Thanks :wink:

Hi again! Do you have an specific place to get feedback or may we use this forum? Issue tracker? :smile:

Sorry for the late reply! Something went wrong with notifications (rollback to the old forum?).

You can use what ever channel you like (forum, issue tracker, etc)! :slight_smile:

Version 0.9.9 available for download.


  • Added support for Unity 5.6.


  • Core: Removed unnecessary allocation when in random mode.


  • Event: OnTrackEnter event gets only called for tracks that get actually played (probabilistic).
  • Structure: Harmonized package structure across all shared libraries.

Version 1.0.0 available for download.


  • Added support for random audio clips per track.


  • Core: Removed unnecessary type checks.


  • Editor: Track settings UI to allow random audio clips.

This looks very nice!

Thank you! :slight_smile:

As this is no longer being updated, any chance you could release it in source form rather than DLL form? Keen to make a few tweaks for our projects (namely moving the Editor resources mind you, but some other stuff too…)

There’s an updated around the corner containing the source. The plugin becomes then paid again (only for new user of course).

Awesome! Anything else on the horizon? I’ve just incorporated it into our audio stack, but noticing the one thing missing is a fall-off system (like AudioSource itself has) without making use of zones

Wow! I just updated my assets and noticed that this has changed from the free version to the Pro version with the source. As this is the first time I visited this forum to see the details as to why, let me just say that this was an entirely unexpected, yet greatly appreciated gesture.

Thank you!

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You are very welcome! :slight_smile:

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Any chance you could add a Pause/Resume function? As when stopping the audio it invalidates the control, so when you play again you have to play via VivaldiComposition.Play() which doesn’t have a “start from ms” option, and using GoTo on the control immediately after hitting play has no effect

And on that note, seeing as the control sets IsValid to false when it stops, what is the purpose of CompositionControl.Play()? It’s my understanding that if you try to play an invalid control it can end up colliding with other pooled controls if a control is assigned to the same index in the pool?

Added to the to-do list. Thanks for pointing out this missing functionality. :slight_smile:

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