Vivox 16.3.0 crashed on visionOS 2 Beta 2

I am trying use Vivox with visionOS, but it crashed when Join Channel every time.(work on simualtor).

I can’t find the vivox-vision package, so I create a directory ( and then download the Core visionOS SDK(5.2.3) (copy nativeapi.a in iOS platform) libs and copy to the visionos folder.


*** Terminating app due to uncaught exception '', reason: '[[busArray objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)element] setFormat:format error:&nsErr]: returned false, error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10868 "(null)"'

*** First throw call stack:

(0x19bde79e4 0x1936c27fc 0x19bde78dc 0x1955c27cc 0x1955c2b44 0x195501a3c 0x1955bb33c 0x1955bf174 0x1aa18fc40 0x1a9fd53e4 0x1a9fce184 0x1a9f25738 0x1a9f2561c 0x1a9fcd13c 0x1aa0e48cc 0x1aa0e3908 0x1aa1a2754 0x1aa089c98 0x1aa08e748 0x262519cc8 0x26250b344 0x26250e678 0x262521bd4 0x262520878 0x26250e4f4 0x26250dcdc 0x26251c654 0x26251ce58 0x262785560 0x26278c7bc)

Uncaught exception: [[busArray objectAtIndexedSubscript:(NSUInteger)element] setFormat:format error:&nsErr]: returned false, error Error Domain=NSOSStatusErrorDomain Code=-10868 "(null)"


0   CoreFoundation                      0x000000019bde79f0 F77A1D82-1719-3A07-951F-E2D22F4149E3 + 1174000

1   libobjc.A.dylib                     0x00000001936c27fc objc_exception_throw + 76

2   CoreFoundation                      0x000000019bde78dc F77A1D82-1719-3A07-951F-E2D22F4149E3 + 1173724

3   AVFAudio                            0x00000001955c27cc FD262ABE-E17D-39E4-8815-C0D262163F08 + 1087436

4   AVFAudio                            0x00000001955c2b44 FD262ABE-E17D-39E4-8815-C0D262163F08 + 1088324

5   AVFAudio                            0x0000000195501a3c FD262ABE-E17D-39E4-8815-C0D262163F08 + 297532

6   AVFAudio                            0x00000001955bb33c FD262ABE-E17D-39E4-8815-C0D262163F08 + 1057596

7   AVFAudio                            0x00000001955bf174 FD262ABE-E17D-39E4-8815-C0D262163F08 + 1073524

8   PHASE                               0x00000001aa18fc40 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 2571328

9   PHASE                               0x00000001a9fd53e4 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 758756

10  PHASE                               0x00000001a9fce184 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 729476

11  PHASE                               0x00000001a9f25738 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 38712

12  PHASE                               0x00000001a9f2561c C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 38428

13  PHASE                               0x00000001a9fcd13c C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 725308

14  PHASE                               0x00000001aa0e48cc C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 1870028

15  PHASE                               0x00000001aa0e3908 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 1865992

16  PHASE                               0x00000001aa1a2754 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 2647892

17  PHASE                               0x00000001aa089c98 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 1498264

18  PHASE                               0x00000001aa08e748 C426D23E-6A89-3CBE-9742-778BA04A841E + 1517384

19  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000262519cc8 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 77000

20  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000026250b344 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 17220

21  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000026250e678 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 30328

22  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000262521bd4 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 109524

23  libdispatch.dylib                   0x0000000262520878 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 104568

24  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000026250e4f4 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 29940

25  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000026250dcdc BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 27868

26  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000026251c654 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 87636

27  libdispatch.dylib                   0x000000026251ce58 BAD28816-B3B5-3FF5-B08D-39B6C917493E + 89688

28  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x0000000262785560 _pthread_wqthread + 228

29  libsystem_pthread.dylib             0x000000026278c7bc start_wqthread + 8


libc++abi: terminating due to uncaught exception of type NSException


Thank you for reporting this. That way of adding the visionOS package is unexpected. The visionOS package is available on the Unity Cloud dashboard. To install it to your project, you need to download it from the dashboard, and then add it from the package manager Unity window:

  1. Open the package manager window from Window > Package Manager
  2. Click on the ‘+’ sign at the top
  3. Select “Add package from tarball”
  4. Navigate to your downloaded visionOS version of the Unity SDK and select it.

This should add the visionOS version properly and get you into a proper state. Please report back if the issue persists after these steps.

Thank you. This problem occurred before because I couldn’t download the package due to a problem with Dashboard. Thanks to Dylan Douglas, Senior Developer Support Engineer, the issue has been resolved.

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When I download the vision os sdk package there is no file that is compatible with the tarball import option, so how do you import the package?

Write your com.unity.visionos.vivox.unityVisionOsSdk-16.4.0.tgz package path into manifest.json file.

It will be like this:

"": "file:../../../../../com.unity.visionos.vivox.unityVisionOsSdk-16.4.0.tgz"

Yeah i think i found the issue, for some reason when you just download the visionOS experimental unity sdk from Unity cloud dashboard you end up getting a zip compressed file ( which is useless). But if you go through the hole Setup steps process and download it at the end there you get the .tgz file. I think this is an error on their side.

I just tried and downloading from the Dashboard gives me a .tgz file that I am able to install through the package manager. Are you sure you are downloading the “Unity visionOS SDK” and not the “Core visionOS SDK”?

Hi @NSWell I have the same issue (even tho I installed the package via .tgz) where you able to resolve the issue?

Nope. The error still exists.