Vivox Participant ParticipantMuteStateChanged event firing twice and with the wrong mute state

Hello, I’m getting weird unexpected behavior from the Vivox service in Unity.
Vivox version: 16.5.3
Unity version: 2020.3.48f1

After subscribing to the participant’s ParticipantMuteStateChanged event, and after muting, unmuting, and muting the participant, the event fires twice. First one has the participant muted and the second one immediately fires but the mute state is false when it should actually stay true.

Here are the steps:

  1. Subscribe to ParticipantMuteStateChanged event
  2. Mute player with VivoxParticipant.MutePlayerLocally
  3. Unmute player with VivoxParticipant.UnmutePlayerLocally
  4. Mute player again VivoxParticipant.MutePlayerLocally
  5. Two events fire. First event VivoxParticipant.IsMuted == true, then immediately after VivoxParticipant.IsMuted == false. I’m not able to hear that player at this moment

Expected behavior should be not being able to hear the player and VivoxParticipant.IsMuted == true.

This seems like a bug on the Vivox service side since there is only one call to mute the player, there shouldn’t be two events firing and with the wrong mute state. Can anyone point me in the right direction to solve this? Anyone else running into this? Is this a Vivox service bug?

Thank you!

Hi, I encountered the same bug. I am using vivox 16.5.4 and unity 6. The same thing happens with Vivox Sample
2025-01-04 12-31-30 (

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Sad that you’re running into the same issue, but glad that I’m not the only one.

Would love someone from Vivox team to confirm this!
Ill add the stacktraces of each event firing here if that helps debugging.

  1. Regular Mute (mute == true):

  2. Regular Unmute (mute == false):

  3. Mute again (mute == true). Which looks like a different trace than #1 but the same trace as #2:

  4. The weird second event firing right after #3 (mute == false). Which looks different than #2 but the same trace as #1:

Hey, thanks for the additional details here. We’re just ramping back up following the holiday break but are discussing it internally.

edit: We’re tracking it, it does indeed look like there’s a bug here.


Glad to hear that it’s on your radar! Thank you :pray: